This is what I did this week-end. You know how when you are making something for someone else and there shouldn't be a stitch out of place. Let me tell you, I wore all the writing off the seam ripper. Anyway, I am fairly pleased with the finished product.
I had this water pressure issue with the kitchen faucet. Yesterday DH & I went to Home Depot (go Smoke) and bought a new faucet. It is so wonderful, I want to share a photo!I can't tell you what brand it is, but it has the sprayer in the spicot and since we would have an empty hole in the sink, we got the one with the soap dispenser. How cool is this!
So far the RedSox are 4 - 0. Great season so far. No game this week-end, so I think I will sew. Sewing machine and computer aren't broke, so housework will have to wait!
Hunter's first baseball game was last Saturday. They 'run-ruled' the other team. He had 2 hits, 1 walk and scored 3 runs. MeMaw didn't keep track of RBIs. Having been there, I felt bad for the other team, but so happy that his team won!
Next game is tomorrow morning - hope they do as well.